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Univ.-Prof. DDr. Michael STEINER

Zimmer: 015F-04-0047

Adresse: Universitätsstraße 15/F4, 8010 Graz

E-Mail: michael.steiner(at)uni-graz.at

Homepage: http://homepage.uni-graz.at/de/michael.steiner/

Tel.: +43/316/380 - 3450

Fax: +43/316/380 - 69 3450


  • University Systems in Europe: A Multi-Dimensional Efficiency Comparison. China-USA Business Review 13: pp.60-71.(with Niederl, A., & Ploder, M) (2014)
  • Firm growth during stretches of recession: modes of resilience of Austrian firms 2001-2011. Second ESPON 2013 Scientific Report: Science in support of European Territorial Development and Cohesion: pp.92-96. (weith Wagner-Pinter, M.) (2014)
  • Challenges for Regional Policy - Old Dilemma, New Perspectives and the Importance of Instiutions, in: Kovacs, I., Scott, J., Gal, Z. (eds.), Territorial Cohesion in Europ: pp.59-72 Harthmedia, Pecs (2013)
  • Regional knowledge networks., In: Cooke, P., Asheim, B., Boschma, R., Martin, R., Schwartz, D., Tödtling, F. (eds.), Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth: pp.222-233. Cheltenham; Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing. (2011)
  • Leadership of cluster policy: lessons from the Austrian province of Styria. Policy Studies 31(4): pp.441-455. (with MacNeill, S.) (2010)
  • European medium-technology innovation networks: a mulit-methodological mulit-regional approach. International Journal of Technology Management 50(3):pp.229-262. (weith Gilk, J.A., Ehret, O., Ploder, M. & Wink, R.) (2010)
  • Structure and Strategy within Heterogenety: Multiple Dimensions of Regional Networking. Regional Studies 42(6): pp.793-815. (with Ploder, M.) (2008)
  • WAS - eine Zeitschrift zum Vor-, Mit- und Nachdenken. Hrsg., Leykam, Graz (seit 1978)


Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Michael Finus

Universitätsstraße 15/F4, 8010 Graz

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 3450



Irene Hye

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 3448

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