Prof. Michael Finus
Professor Finus is head of the Institute of Economics.
His research focuses on all types of economic problems involving externalities (spillovers) between economic actors, where coordination and cooperation would generate global welfare gains, but which typically suffer from "free riders" (i.e. not everyone contributes their fair share). It examines what factors cause free-riding and how and through what measures this can be mitigated. Many of these problems relate to collective decision-making and public and global governance. International and global environmental problems such as climate change and overfishing are prominent examples.
Finus, Michael; Furini, Francesco
On the credibility of threats to avoid the deployment of solar geoengineering..
In: Environmental economics and policy studies. 27,1. 2025. 1-21. doi:10.1007/s10018-024-00407-2.
Forschung: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Originalbeitrag/Fachbeitrag -
Finus, Michael
Green Lifstyle and Social Tipping Points. Leuven. 04.07.2024..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Finus, Michael
Global Public Good Agreements with Fixed Costs. Leipzig. 03.05.2024..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Finus, Michael
Global Public Good Agreements with Fixed Costs. Paris. 26.02.2024..
Forschung: Vortrag > Hauptbeitrag -
Finus, Michael; Furini, Francesco, Rohrer, Anna Viktoria
The Stackelberg vs. Nash-Cournot Folk-theorem in international environmental agreements..
In: Economics Letters. 234. 2024. x. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2023.111481.
Forschung: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Originalbeitrag/Fachbeitrag -
Finus, Michael and Franceso Furini
Global Public Good Agreements with Fixed Costs ..
In: Graz Economics Papers. 2024-18,2024-18. 2024. x..
Forschung: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Originalbeitrag/Fachbeitrag -
Finus, Michael
A Mechanism for Addressing Compliance and Participation in Global Public Good Treaties: A Comment..
In: Graz Economics Papers. 2024-14 ,2024-14 . 2024. x..
Forschung: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Originalbeitrag/Fachbeitrag -
Elboghdadly, Noha Nagi; Finus, Michael
Enforcing Climate Agreements: The Role of Escalating Border Carbon Adjustments..
In: Strategic behavior and the environment. 10,1-2. 2024. 79-128. doi:10.1561/102.00000108.
Forschung: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Originalbeitrag/Fachbeitrag -
Finus, Michael
Ist Geoengineering die goldene Lösung für die Klimakrise? In: Die Presse. 14.11.2023.
Transfer: Beitrag in den Medien -
Finus, Michael
Global Climate Governance in the Light of Geoengineering: A Shot in the Dark? Valladolid, Spain. 04.09.2023..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Finus, Michael
“Green Lifestyles and Social Tipping Points”. Bologna, Italy. 08.06.2023..
Forschung: Vortrag > Hauptbeitrag -
Finus, Michael
"Governance Architecture of Climate Agreements in the Light of Solar Radiation Management”. Bologna, Italy. 11.05.2023..
Forschung: Vortrag > Hauptbeitrag -
Finus, Michael
“The Governance Structure of Climate Agreements in the Light of Solar Radiation Management.”. Graz, Austria. 02.05.2023..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Finus, Michael
The Governance Architecture of Climate Agreements in the Light of Solar Radiation Management. Hamburg, Deutschland. 13.04.2023..
Forschung: Vortrag > Hauptbeitrag -
Finus, Michael
The Governance Architecture of Climate Agreements in the Light of Solar Radiation Management. Bath, UK. 13.03.2023..
Forschung: Vortrag > Hauptbeitrag -
Finus, Michael; Furini, Francesco
Global climate governance in the light of geoengineering: A shot in the dark?.
In: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 122. 2023. 102854. doi:10.1016/j.jeem.2023.102854.
Forschung: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Originalbeitrag/Fachbeitrag -
Francisco J André; Finus, Michael
Endogenous learning in international environmental agreements: the impact of research spillovers and the degree of cooperation..
In: Oxford Economic Papers. gpad047, x. 2023. 1–24. doi:10.1093/oep/gpad047.
Forschung: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Originalbeitrag/Fachbeitrag -
Finus, Michael
Global climate governance in the light of geoengineering: a shot in the dark? Durham. 06.06.2022..
Forschung: Vortrag > Hauptbeitrag -
Finus, Michael
Global Climate Governance in the Light of Geoengineering: A Shot in the Dark? Paris. 20.05.2022..
Forschung: Vortrag > Hauptbeitrag -
Elboghdadly, Noha; Finus, Michael
Strategic climate policy with endogenous plant location: The role of border carbon adjustments..
In: Journal of Public Economic Theory. 24,6. 2022. 1266-1309. doi:10.1111/jpet.12615.
Forschung: Beitrag in Zeitschrift > Originalbeitrag/Fachbeitrag -
Finus, Michael
The Efficacy of International Environmental Agreements when Adaptation Matters: Nash-Cournot vs Stackelberg Leadership. Leida, Spanien. 02.09.2021..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Finus, Michael; Furini, Francesco; Rohrer, Anna Viktoria
International Environmental Agreements and the Paradox of Cooperation: Revisiting and Generalizing Some Previous Results. Lleida. 02.09.2021..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Finus, Michael
Game-theoretic Analyses of International Climate Agreements. Online. 06.07.2021..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Finus, Michael; Furini, Francesco; Rohrer, Anna Viktoria
International Environmental Agreements and the Paradox of Cooperation: Revisiting and Generalizing Some Previous Results. Innsbruck (ONLINE). 25.06.2021..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Finus, Michael
International Environmental Agreements and theParadox of Cooperation: Revisiting and Generalizing Some Previous Results. Online. 14.04.2021..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag
Univ.-Prof. Dr.rer.pol. Michael Finus
+43 316 380 - 3450
Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre