Master theses
First of all, please read this Masters thesis guide of the Department of Economics!
The formal criteria to be fulfilled at the University of Graz for submitting a Masters thesis as well as the required forms can be found on the website of the Student Services Center.

Master thesis topics
Birgit Bednar-Friedl
Empirical and theoretical work in the field of environmental economics, esp. on questions of international climate and energy policy as well as climate change impacts and adaptation. If interested, please contact me by email!
Languages: German, English
Completed theses: UniGrazOnline
Daniel Eckert
Masters theses are supervised in the field of social choice theory, with a particular focus on recent generalizations of collective decision theory (judgment aggregation) and the history of social choice theory.
Languages: German, English, French
Completed theses: UniGrazOnline
Michael Finus
I am happy to work on issues related to economic problems that involve externalities (spillovers) between economic actors, where coordination and cooperation would generate global welfare gains, but which typically suffer from "free riders" (i.e. not everyone contributes their fair share). These are typical non-zero-sum games. It is interesting to analyze the factors that cause free-riding, but also how and by what measures these incentives can be mitigated. Many of these problems relate to collective decision-making and public and global governance. International and global environmental problems such as climate change and overfishing are prominent examples, but there are many others, for example related to international trade. In general, I feel comfortable supervising work in the field of environmental economics, public economics, game theory and international agreements. I am happy to discuss initial ideas on an informal level. Please make an appointment by e-mail.
Languages: German, English
Completed theses: UniGrazOnline
Robert Hill
Some possible topics for Masters' theses include the following: (1) Causes and consequences of the global financial crisis and Eurozone crisis. (2) Modeling the housing market and its interaction with the broader economy. (3) Economic growth and comparisons of income across countries. (4) Monetary policy (e.g., issues relating to inflation targeting).
I am happy to consider other topics as well.
Language: English
Completed theses: UniGrazOnline
Christian Klamler
Master's theses are supervised in the areas of (1) choice processes, i.e. the aggregation of individual preferences; (2) fair sharing and matching, i.e. the allocation of divisible and/or indivisible goods between groups of agents; and (3) general aspects of social choice theory and judgment aggregation theory. Own ideas for topics in these areas are very welcome.
Languages: German, English
Completed theses: UniGrazOnline
Jörn Kleinert
There is a list of topics, but you can also suggest your own topics (see conditions).
Languages: German, English
Completed theses: UniGrazOnline
Christoph Kuzmics
The topics of the Master's theses focus on decision theory and game theory, the theory of strategic interaction. Specific topics could be the provision of public goods, experiments in game theory, auction theory or the development of social norms. Other possibilities are topics on strategic interaction in certain well-specified markets, such as competition between supermarket chains, the market for apples or the market for vaccines. Other possibilities include topics in finance, such as testing the efficient market hypothesis or applying preference theories under uncertainty to financial problems.
I would also be interested in testing game theory in this area. I am a member of the new area of excellence COLIBRI (or Complexity of Life) at the University of Graz, where we are working on interdisciplinary research projects, such as strategic communication and linguistics, competition and symbiosis between plants and/or animals, and the psychology of human decision making. Topics from these areas would also be possible.
Languages: German, English
Completed work: UniGrazOnline
Hans Manner
Work in all areas of theoretical and applied econometrics. In addition, work on financial econometrics and quantitative risk management. Possible topics can be discussed in a personal interview.
Languages: German, English
Completed theses: UniGrazOnline
Stefania Rossi
Possible topics for Master's theses comprise the following:
- Access to credit and financial frictions for SMEs;
- Innovation and firm's financial dependence;
- Gender issue in financial markets;
- Monetary policy and its effects on the real economy;
- Unconventional monetary policy and firm's credit access;
- New trade theory and the determinants to access and survive in foreign markets.
I am willing to supervise Master's theses in other topics related to credit and financial markets, as well as international economics.
Language: English
Completed theses: UniGrazOnline
Maik T. Schneider
Work in the field of public economics, also with reference to innovation and growth or with a focus on political economy. There is a particular interest in work on the economic implications of artificial intelligence. Possible topics can be discussed in a personal interview.
Languages: German, English
Graz Schumpeter Center
For master theses offered by the Graz Schumpeter Centre, please contact Prof. Sturn, Prof. Gehrke and Prof. Thomas.
Languages: German, English
Karl Steininger
Empirical and theoretical analysis in the field of environmental economics, in particular low-carbon transition issues and all related economic issues (incentive structures, impacts, effects on international trade, renewable energy); economic impacts of climate change. If you are interested, please send me an e-mail.
Languages: German, English
Completed theses: UniGrazOnline
Ronald Wendner
Topics for master's theses revolve around three themes: 1) Social Comparisons, 2) Macroeconomic Dynamics, 3) Optimal Taxation. More detailed information is available here. For specific topics (and more information), please don't hesitate to contact me. It goes without saying that you are welcome to suggest your own topic for your master's thesis.
Language: English
Completed theses: UniGrazOnline